Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Moment

There are many tragic moments that I have endured in my life such as my mother passing or even Quincy Carter as the Dallas Cowboys' quarterback but I don't know how I would ever react if anything happened to the Baby. Like I have said earlier, the Wifey and I were truly blessed that the pregnancy had minimal problems. We originally opted not to have any of the screening tests done during pregnancy like Downs Syndrome. We are big believers in fate and if that is the path that our first child would have walk down, then it is something we would walk down together as a family. When we told our doctor of the decision, she professionally suggested to get tested anyways. Her belief was that although fate would have it's way, it would still be wise to be prepared. The test wasn't 100% positive but it would at least give a medically reinforced opinion based on the results.

I really didn't want to put a somber beginning for this 4th of July weekend but I came across this article that deeply affected me. This is highly emotional and I will suggest not to watch/read if you aren't comfortable.

The Dallas Morning News recently had one of their photojournalists, Sonya N. Herbert, win the 2010 Casey Medal for Meritorious Journalism on a piece she did about a couple who knew during pregnancy their child would live no longer than a week. The couple faced the dilemma of terminating the pregnancy early or give birth to their son knowing full well that he would die. The couple gave birth to their son and gave as much as love to him as his little heart could take. Ms. Herbert documented the birth and the following week to see the true emotion of unrelenting love. I watched it with the sound off because I couldn't bear to hear the emotion, I let Ms. Herbert's photographs narrate the ordeal. Here is the article : Choosing Thomas

It was very moving and heartbreaking article. I look at the Baby in amazement to see how far she has come and how much further she has to go. It only takes a moment to appreciate it.


  1. I stumbled across that video one afternoon and lost it big time. Everyone was out of the house for some reason which only made it more intense. I don't think I even gave Carissa the link for it, it is too much.

  2. I read the article in the DMN in September, and started crying so hard I couldn't finish it - I had to come back to it.
    I cannot even imagine how terrifying and terrible that must have been.
    The part where they are pregnant, and having to pick out an infant's coffin, just about killed me.
    Makes me want to hold my girls tight and never, ever let them go.
