The question, "are you ready?" is what I have been getting asked the most. This isn't my first rodeo, I know what to expect when I am expecting.
We haven't taken the time to get things ready for Pillow as we did with the Baby. Pillow won't have a nursery with his/her name on the wall. We opted to not have a baby shower (we still have most of the baby stuff from the first one) but my office was generous enough to throw a surprise party for me. Our office tradition is potluck walking tacos; so the element of surprise was ruined when I saw everyone bring in their crockpots but I was a good sport and acted totally surprised.
But if I really think about it, as of a few days ago I wasn't ready. The thought of another mouth to feed hadn't sunk in until yesterday morning. I was waiting for the Wifey and I to celebrate our seventh wedding anniversary before I could mentally prepare. I just wanted one last date with just the Wifey and myself. We decided on a nice dinner and a movie. Nothing special but something more our speed.
So now Pillow can arrive whenever it wants.
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