Monday, January 17, 2011

BlackBerry Picture Dump

Please disregard the messiness of the house.


  1. Just noticed your car seat is navy blue. Do you or did you get lots of comments about your baby with people using "he" all the time? I get "Oh he's so cute!" a lot and I think its because we have a non-pink car seat. We just wanted something more neutral to use for future baby #2.

    Today at the grocery store I actually had the security guard walk up to me and say "Brother is oblivious to everything that's going on!" regarding the sleeping baby in my cart. It doesn't really bother me, just something I noticed. I know one day she'll look like a girl.

  2. It looks navy, but it is actually grey. That being said she gets called a boy at least once a day. I don't really care, but feel really awkward when they ask me what HIS name is.
