How do you celebrate your daughter turning 6 months old? By having the air conditioner go out and spending the night at the grandmother's house. We also took the Baby to the doctor earlier in the day because she was tugging at her ear and she hasn't been sleeping too well at night. Turns out the Baby is cutting more teeth and she does not have an ear infection. Tomorrow the Baby is going to eat her first solids --- I'm thinking lobster or a Big Mac. The Wifey wants to feed her avocado. Boooooring. We are also feeding her early in the morning just in case she has some crazy allergic reaction we can make a bee-line to the doctor's office. She will probably react to the avocado by throwing up because it's nasty. If she has any sense of taste and texture like her father, she will pass on the vegetables and head for the protein. Veggies are for the cows.
We are going to head to the State Fair of Texas tomorrow. It should be an interesting day as we're going to try to hit up all the shows and eat all the food and drink all the beer. I'm hoping the Baby will enjoy the dog show and petting zoo as much as the Wifey does. Even if the Baby enjoys them only a tenth as much, that's still a lot of enjoyment. The Wifey can spend hours watching YouTube videos of "cute puppies", think what a dancing pug in a grass skirt does to her brain.
Anyways, pictures and some videos will be up for the next post. Just giving out a shoutout to the cutest 6 month old baby today!
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